United State's People

The population of the U.S. is 307,212,123.  The U.S. is ranked 3 of the world.
The birth rate of the U.S. is 13.82% birth's for every 1,000 people.  The U.S. is ranked 129 out of the whole world.
The death rate of the U.S. is 8.38% death's for every 1,000 people.  The U.S. is ranked 101 out of the whole world. 
The sex ratio of the U.S. is: at birth there is 1.05 more male than there is female, under 15 years is 1.04 more male than female, 15-64 is 1 more male than female, and 64 and over there are .75 more males than there are females.
The ethnic goups of the U.S. is: 79.96% is White, 12.85% are Black, 4.43% are Asians, And 1.61% two or more races.
The main religions of the U.S. are: Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon, Other Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and Muslim.